In the pursuit of justice, eyewitness testimony has long been a cornerstone of the legal system. However, this seemingly reliable form of evidence often leads to the wrongful conviction of innocent individuals. The intricate dance between memory and perception can...
Thoughtful and thorough legal representation for over 40 combined years.
Year: 2023
How can you regain your license after an Oklahoma DUI?
Facing the aftermath of an arrest for driving under the influence can be daunting. You may have concerns about the suspension of your Oklahoma driving privileges. Understanding when and how you can reinstate your license can help you rebuild your life after a DUI...
Misdemeanor vs. felony charges in Oklahoma
In the realm of legal matters, one often encounters the terms misdemeanor and felony, which signify distinct levels of offenses with varying consequences. In the state of Oklahoma, comprehending these differences is important for individuals navigating the complex web...
What are some common mistakes people make on probation?
Probation is often seen as a second chance. However, many find themselves entangled in a web of common mistakes that hinder their progress. Individuals can protect themselves from errors that people make during their probationary periods by learning about how to steer...
How to avoid jail with a drug charge on your record
Facing a drug charge can be a daunting experience, and the fear of serving jail time is a real concern. There are ways to navigate this situation and reduce the risk of ending up behind bars. According to the American Psychology Association, judges often prioritize...
What is the difference between parole and probation in Oklahoma?
Navigating the criminal justice system can sometimes feel like deciphering a maze, with various terms and processes that might seem to overlap. Two terms that often cause confusion are "parole" and "probation." Both relate to individuals serving sentences outside of...
What are the penalties for drug charges in Oklahoma?
According to the Oklahoma Policy Institute, several 2018 senate bills lowering sentences for drug-related crimes led to a 23% reduction in state prisoners. Regardless of this improvement, drug offenses in Oklahoma still carry harsh consequences. Penalties vary in...
The legality of DUI checkpoints
The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office reported 115 deaths in accidents involving alcohol in 2021. One life lost is too many when it comes to these preventable incidents. Law enforcement in the state works diligently to keep drunk drivers off the roads. One tool they use...
How an Oklahoma DUI affects auto insurance rates
An Oklahoma conviction for driving under the influence has far-reaching consequences, affecting many important aspects of your life. A spike in auto insurance rates is among them and almost always follows such a conviction. How much of an increase you will see depends...
How the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches
Your Fourth Amendment rights stand as a safeguard against unjust searches and seizures by authorities. This constitutional protection ensures that you, as a United States citizen, have a safeguard against arbitrary invasions of your privacy. If you find yourself...