The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office reported 115 deaths in accidents involving alcohol in 2021. One life lost is too many when it comes to these preventable incidents. Law enforcement in the state works diligently to keep drunk drivers off the roads. One tool they use...
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Month: September 2023
How an Oklahoma DUI affects auto insurance rates
An Oklahoma conviction for driving under the influence has far-reaching consequences, affecting many important aspects of your life. A spike in auto insurance rates is among them and almost always follows such a conviction. How much of an increase you will see depends...
How the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches
Your Fourth Amendment rights stand as a safeguard against unjust searches and seizures by authorities. This constitutional protection ensures that you, as a United States citizen, have a safeguard against arbitrary invasions of your privacy. If you find yourself...
The rules for registered sex offenders in Oklahoma
When residing in Oklahoma as a registered sex offender, you are bound by a specific set of regulations. These rules are in place to ensure the community's safety, hold offenders accountable and prevent further offenses. The state of Oklahoma believes in second chances...